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SapramousePuppetheque performance, length 40 min

The most famous Slovenian marionette is Sapramouse. Slovenian children could not even imagine growing up without the fairy tales, written by Svetlana Makarovič. Over the years there has been a myriad of puppet performances based on her literary material that have enchanted our young viewers. The clever and brave Sapramouse is considered the greatest Slovenian puppet hit ever. It’s best known staging was the one premiered back in 1986 in the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (and directed by Nace Simončič) that has remained uninterruptedly on the theatre’s repertoire until today. Sapramouse is a true testament of the fact that today's children can be attracted by far less spectacular creations from the ones including modern technology; only they have to be convincing both in terms of their texts and realization. The popular show that has lived to see a record number of replays (almost 1.700), has had travelled more than halfway around the world.

The performance Sapramouse was restaged in 2016, when we marked the 40th anniversary of the original release of the eponymous picture book and the 30thanniversary of this legendary fairy tale’s first staging in our theatre. Its visual designer Jaka Judnič offered a variety of animation solutions for his charming puppet heroes, designed according to the remarkable style of his animated films from the mid-eighties. Milko Lazar made some new musical arrangements. On this occasion the sound of the performance was recorded anew as well.  

PREMIERE: 6th October 2016, Grand Stage LGL
Author: Svetlana Makarovič
Director: Nace Simončič / Brane Vižintin
Puppets Visual Design: Jaka Judnič
Songs: Svetlana Makarovič
Music (new arrangement): Milko Lazar
Lighting Design: Kristjan Vidner
Voices: Svetlana Makarovič, Ivanka Mežan, Ljerka Belak, Alojz Svete, Brane Vižintin
Animators: Lena Hribar a. g./Aja Kobe, Lovro Finžgar/Marko Ujc a. g., Boštjan Sever a. g., Lea Menard a. g.
Stage Manager and Sound Designer: Lojze Sedovnik
Producers: Ignacije Šunjić and Ana Rokvić Pinterič
Lights: Niko Štabuc
Set Technician: Slobodan Ilić, Darko Nedeljković, Alojz Milošič, Iztok Vrhovnik, Andrej Slinkar
Puppets, Set and Costumes Production: Jože Lašič, Iztok Bobić, Zoran Srdić, Mitja Ritmanič, Polona Černe, Marjeta Valjavec
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