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Photo Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 45 min
Martin Mlakar
Directors: Martin Mlakar, Tajda Lipicer
Object theatre
The only thing still alive in the apartment on the second floor on 29c Kidrič Street are memories. Memories that have no appeal to official history but rather mark another, personal history. Memories of a childhood friend. Memories embittered by guilt. Memories imprinted in the space and the objects in it. The apartment thus becomes a contemplative space, where objects cease to be mere possessions but become artefacts, silent but eloquent testimonies of a life.
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 50 min
Karolína Kotrbová, Gašper Lovrec, Filip Mramor, Jernej Potočan, Domen Novak
Direction: Filip Mramor
Devised theatre
If history had revolved in a different direction by only a degree, the Czech engineer Karel Žlábek would have gone down in it as one of the greatest visionaries of his time. Not much is known about him, but he left behind him indelible dreams about a better future.
/default/Predstave/Hiša za lutke.jpg
Length 75 min
Based on Henrik Ibsen
Directors: Yngvild Aspeli, Paola Rizza
Festival première in co-production with Plexus Polaire (France, Norway)
Renowned Norwegian director Yngvild Aspeli, whose masterpiece Moby Dick mesmerised audiences at Cankarjev dom in November 2021, returns to the Puppet Festival and to Cankarjev dom with a performance based on A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. The Slovenian première of the performance will feature Maja Kunšič, the leading actress of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre ensemble, in the role of Nora.
Photo: Nika Hölcl
Small Stage LGL
Length 30 min
Based on the picture book by Joe Todd-Stanton
Director: Asja Kahrimanović
Puppetry performance
A Mouse Called Julian (2019) is a picture book about a reclusive mouse called Julian by Waterstones Children's Book Prize-winning author and illustrator Joe Todd-Stanton. The mouse prefers to spend his days alone rather than in the company of his neighbours and other residents of his neighbourhood. And he absolutely loves it. But everything changes when a fox accidentally falls into his flat.
Foto Jaka Varmuž
Stage Under the Stars
Length 35 min
Tone Pavček
Angels  3+
Director and choreographer: Mala Kline
Staged poetry
Angels ('Angeli', 2012) was the last volume of poetry by one of Slovenia's most celebrated contemporary poets, Tone Pavček (1928-2011). This literary testament rounded off an extraordinary body of work whirling with verses of life, love and fidelity.
Jaka Babnik/SLG Celje
Length 135 min
Živa Bizovičar, Nik Žnidaršič
Assault  15+
Slovensko ljudsko gledališče Celje
Director: Živa Bizovičar
Original project based on the life and work of Karel Destovnik - Kajuh
The poet, translator and national hero Karel Destovnik – Kajuh was born in Šoštanj and died at the Žlebnik homestead in Šentvid nad Zavodnjami. He was shot by a militiaman of Slovene nationality, France Černe, during a raid by German soldiers and militiamen. He was the only Slovenian cultural figure to be declared a national hero in July 1953.
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 45 min
based on Marko Sosič
Director: Jūratė Trimakaitė
Festival première in co-production with Le Tas de Sable – Ches Panses Vertes (France)
The puppet performance based on Marko Sošić’s novel Ballerina, Ballerina will be directed by the young award-winning Lithuanian director Jūratė Trimakaitė. The performance is being crafted as part of the French production, while the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre will co-produce its Slovenian version, which will be premièred at the 17th International Biennial Festival of Contemporary Puppetry Art Lutke.
Barley And The Boat
Grand Stage LGL
Length 30 min
Anja Štefan
Director: Barbara Bulatović
Puppet performance
Barley lives near the lake. He plays on its shores every day. He floats his tiny boats on the lake and wishes to have a real boat ...
Photo: Jaka Varmuž
Grand Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Sebastijan Pregelj and Igor Šinkovec
Director: Mare Bulc
Puppetry performance
From Cicido children’s magazine to the theatre stage—Bear and Piggy are here to entertain the youngest audiences in a puppet performance. Bear and Piggy are best friends who live together in a tiny house on the top of a skyscraper next to their favourite playground.
Big-Eyes the Little Owl, foto Jaka Varmuž
Grand Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Svetlana Makarovič
Director: Brane Vižintin
Marionette performance
Big-Eyes the Little Owl is the first work that Svetlana Makarovič wrote for children and also her first work staged at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. It was directed by Matjaž Loboda and premiered in 1972, bringing a pleasant and welcome refreshment to the repertoire, which at the time consisted mostly of foreign works. It was only thereafter that the most important Slovenian writers also started writing puppet plays. Makarovič created a sweet, nice and poetic story about a little whimsical owl called Big-Eyes, who decides she no longer wants to be an ordinary, nocturnal bird, but a day owl. The Moon tries to dissuade her, but to no avail. In the morning when the owl family crawls into bed, Big-Eyes puts on her sunglasses and boisterously flies into the bright day. On her journey, she meets a number of animals and has numerous adventures – also dangerous ones!
Catch me!
Small Stage LGL
Length 30 min
Saša Eržen
Catch me!  2+
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana and Umetniško društvo Konj
Director: Silvan Omerzu
Puppet performance
A comedy with running and singing designed for the youngest audience and directed by a versatile puppet artist Silvan Omerzu, features an artistically purified, musically inspiring, playful and dynamic work. A simple, modular stage assembly, with wooden puppets and props, unfolds before the viewers an exciting and - until the performance’s very ending - interesting competition between the two neighbours, who eventually become friends. Its witty text was contributed by the writer of the younger generation Saša Eržen, whose picture book »The One about the Fleas« ranked her among the five finalists for the Original Slovenian Picture Book Award.
Length 15 min
Illustration exhibition
Children-Spectators is an exhibition of illustrations by renowned artists created as part of Creative Europe's project Mapping.
Photo Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 75 min
Matija Solce
Darkroom  15+
Director, adaptation and author of music: Matija Solce
Object Theatre
Darkroom is an object-music cabaret based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Steadfast Tin Soldier, which is considered one of his most famous stories, but also the first one not based on a literary source or a folk tale. It thus marks the beginning of the author's original creative period. It was written almost 200 years ago and has been adapted numerous times, including for ballet performances and films.
Photo by Matej Povše
Length 35 min
Isabel Minhós Martins
Director: Katja Povše
A live-action puppet production
Don't Cross the Line is a theatrical thriller of constant trial and loss. The stage has been commandeered by General Big Eye, who has refused entry to puppets and actors – for good.
Duck, Death and the Tulip, foto: Miha Fras
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 40 min
Wolf Erlbruch
Director: Fabrizio Montecchi
Shadow performance
Duck, Death and the Tulip is a gentle, friendly and discreet staging, confronting children with death without any embellishment or pathos, but rather through a refined sense of delicacy of the selected topic. The narrative about illness, departing and lost comes to life on the stage as a warm and vital story about the preciousness of closeness and friendship. It is a suggestive fusion of live acting, animation and shadow theatre, visually attracting and astonishing children and at the same time unobtrusively caressing them and presenting them with a thought about the transience and vulnerability of life.
/default/gostujoce-predstave/Bato,Lato/BatoLato. Kde je světlo 50.jpg
Grand Stage LGL
Length 50 min
Ha To
Director: Tomáš Volkmer
Puppet show
Hosted by the Puppet Theatre from Ostrava.
Emil and the Detectives, foto: Gregor Gobec
Grand Stage LGL
Length 70 min
Erich Kästner
Director: Ajda Valcl
A detective story
The performance Emil and the Detectives is based on a novel for children by the German writer Erich Kästner (1899–1974) who is certainly acknowledged as one of the most widely read children’s writers. The novel, which was first published in 1929, is Kästner’s first and also most popular children’s book. It was translated into more than 60 languages and has already seen quite a number of stage and film adaptations, the last one premiered in Germany in 2001.
Foto Nada Žgank
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 70 min
Nataša Živković
Coproduction: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana in Mesto žensk
Concept and assistance: Tea Hvala, Teja Reba
Gledališki laboratorij
In 2021, the year of lockdowns, the high school students selected at the audition studied school as an institution. They were interested in the established school order and its effect on their growing up.
Four Black Ants, foto: Urška Boljkovac
Small Stage LGL
Length 35 min
Anja Štefan
Director: Martina Maurič Lazar
Puppet performance
Four Black Ants is a set of short parables about four little ants that contains just the right amount of everything – poetry, humour, rhythm, words, rhymes, heartiness and wisdom. They are full of little pleasures and funny adventures, inciting meditative reflections and arousing reactions with their clever sting.
Photo: Borut Bučinel
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 45 min
Nebojša Pop-Tasić
Full Moon  4+
Director and choreographer: Sebastjan Starič
Dream Musical
A musical performance taking us on a journey into the poetic world of dreams and cheerful night-time illusions with which the full moon is teasing a “sleeping” family of four.
Foto Jaka Varmuž
Small Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Tin Grabnar and Ana Duša
Gallop  5+
Director: Tin Grabnar
Shadow performance
Gallop follows the story of a boy living on a farm near the city, where, in addition to other domestic animals, they also have a young horse. One day, the boy and his family visit a fair, where he unexpectedly sees horse races. The winner receives a big gleaming trophy! This triggers in him an irresistible desire to win. Fostered by the ambition to lift the winner’s trophy one day, he starts training hard with his horse. The performance addresses the meaning of friendship in contrast with the irresistible desire to win. How much is it worth sacrificing to achieve your goal?
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Stage Under the Stars
Length 60 min
Špela Frlic, Maruša Kink
Director: Maruša Kink
A children's adventure based on the novel by Špela Frlic
Glitterton is a well-kept residential area with benches and a playground. Beyond Glitterton lies Wild Glitterton, and the people of Glitterton don't go there! They prefer to watch the birds and chat on their playground.
Goose the Bear, foto: Urška Boljkovac
Small Stage LGL
Length 35 min
Katja Gehrmann
Director: Ivana Djilas
Puppet mix-up
Goose the Bear is a seemingly simple mix-up. One day a little gosling hatches out of a lost egg. From the first moment the little creature is absolutely convinced that it is a bear, since the very first thing it sees is the Bear's face. Hidden behind the tale's letters and imaginary forest's trees are some essential questions about coexistence and accepting of others. Is everything that seems different really so different from us? How much of our time and attention we are ready to dedicate to relationships with other people? Goose the Bear is a story about tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
Foto Teatro Matita
Tunnel LGL
Length 50 min
Matija Solce and Daniil Harms
Nonsense theatrical puppet concert on prepared accordion
“An old woman fell out of the window because she was too curious. She fell and broke into pieces.”
Photo Jaka Varmuž
Small Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Puppet production
How Mister Felix Entered a Bicycle Race is the story of a local eccentric who enters a cycle race on a whim. Instead of a racing bicycle, he rides a small, borrowed city bike, and rather than victory, he pursues pleasure – in riding, drinking lemonade, taking a dip in cold water, enjoying the beautiful day.
Photo: Urška Boljkovac
Stage Under the Stars
Length 45 min
Jera Ivanc
Director: Jakub Maksymov
Puppet show
Mila, her father and mother come to visit her grandmother, who is celebrating her birthday. But oh dear! —they have left the suitcase with the presents at the train station and the cake at home in the fridge. While her parents go fetch the forgotten birthday essentials, Mila is left to her own ingenuity and imagination. She decides to bake the cake herself and thus the adventure begins. A recipe book, a fall from an apple tree into the arms of her grandfather's memories, a visit to a noisy henhouse, a dark attic and an old apiary are fun stops on Mila's journey to her sweet destination. And at the same time, opportunities to explore the environment, nature, society and memories.
Hiša Tartini
Length 60 min
Piran Self-Governing Community of Italian Nationals, Piran Coastal Galleries
Curator: Laura Rositani
Exhibition and Event
at Tartini House, Piran
Foto: Sabina Plaznik (Bina Vista)
Botanični vrt
Length 30 min
Kamišibaj je edinstvena japonska oblike pripovedovanja zgodb ob slikah na miniaturnem lesenem odru, ki občinstvu ponuja bolj intimno gledališko-pripovedovalsko izkušnjo. Gre za izvirno in mojstrsko risano pripovedno izrazno formo, s katero se je ansambel Lutkovnega gledališča Ljubljana pod mentorstvom Jelene Sitar srečal med zaprtjem gledališč. V tem času so pripravil več različnih pripovedi, s katerimi so nato gostovali v različnih krajih in na festivalih ter prejeli nekaj nagrad.
Photo by Miha Fras
Grand Stage LGL
Length 50 min
Jasna Žmak
Director: Anđelka Nikolić
Drama performance
Letters from the Edge of the Forest is a playful and contemporary story that focuses on learning to write and communicate.
Photo Urša Culiberg
Small Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Enrica Carini and Fabrizio Montecchi
Director: Fabrizio Montecchi
Shadow performance
The performance unveils the world through the eyes of Rachel Carson, American biologist and zoologist and a pivotal figure in launching the global environmental movement, intertwining her personal story with her revolutionary ideas.
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 45 min
William Shakespeare
Macbeth  15+
Director and visual designer: Matteo Spiazzi
A rusty performance
Following Hamlet (2006), Romeo & Juliet (2011), The Merchant of Venice (2015) and The Tempest (2016), this production is likewise a rendition of one of William Shakespeare’s most important texts in world drama that we are adding to our repertoire as a puppet production. Macbeth is aimed at audiences aged 15 and over.
Make Me a Coffin For Him, foto Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 30 min
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana and Umetniško društvo Konj
Director: Jan Zakonjšek
Tragic Cheerful Puppet Performance
The play Make Me a Coffin for Him from 1993 represents an anthology of the nineties, since it features, as Barbara Orel wrote, "primal iconography, infernal content and demonic energy; it is, in a word—diabolical."
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 75 min
Klemen Kovačič, Nik Žnidaršič
Messy Room  15+
In every house, there is a place without a special purpose. It is where we put away what we no longer need, but are not yet ready to admit that to ourselves. It is a space (be it a room, a drawer or just a box) where we leave memories that we don't trust to stay in our minds. They seem too fragile. Eternally elusive, but so important. Who are we without them? And who are we with them?
Photo Christophe Raynaud de Lage
Length 90 min
Herman Melville
Moby Dick  15+
Plexus Polaire (Francija)
Directed by: Yngvild Aspeli
Musical-puppetry spectacle
Moby Dick is a puppet-musical spectacle for young audiences by internationally acclaimed Norwegian director Yngvild Aspeli, inspired by the timeless 1851 classic by American writer Herman Melville. The thrilling story of the hunt for the great white whale is one of the greatest works of world literature. It is the story of a sailor waging war against a creature as large, dangerous and unknown as the sea itself. Who will win? Man or nature?
Mojca and the Animals, Foto: Urška Boljkovac
Small Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Eka and Brina Vogelnik
Director: Eka Vogelnik
Marionette show
Mojca and the Animals is one of our oldest and most popular folk tales, especially among our youngest viewers. It not only reflects the spirit of the time, but also brings us back to our roots. The famous fairy tale, first published back in 1954, tells about an innocent Rabbit who is wrongly convicted and persecuted till the end of his days for a simple reason that he is the smallest and the weakest member of society. On the other side, there is this canny little Fox, who cheats everyone, and yet is never held responsible for it. Presented to us on stage this time, is a new Mojca, who defines the spirit of our time through her relationships.
My Grandfather was a Cherry Tree, photo Jaka Varmuž
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 45 min
Angela Nanetti
Directed by: Fabrizio Montecchi
Shadow puppet performance
“I can hear it, grandpa, I can hear it...” says Tonino when his grandfather asks him to close his eyes and listen to the cherry tree breathing. Tonino hears the rustle of leaves in the wind, the groan of branches, the singing of birds—he hears life...
Open the Owl
Stage Under the Stars
Length 50 min
Franz Pocci, Célia Houdart
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, TJP – Centre Dramatique National d’Alsace, Strasbourg (France)
Director: Renaud Herbin
Intermedia interpretation of The Castle of Owls (1936)
The performance Open the Owl brings back to stage the miniature characters from the performance Sovji grad (The Owl Castle), created by Slovenian puppeteer Milan Klemenčič back in 1936. (french subtitles)
Peter Pan, foto Jaka Varmuž
Stage Under the Stars
Length 75 min
Jera Ivanc according to the text Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
Peter Pan  5+
Director: Yulia Roschina
Dramatic performance
Peter Pan is a tale of never-ending childhood. The main hero’s greatest wish is to remain a child forever, as he is convinced that growing up robs people off their imagination and makes them boring. Peter Pan is also one of the most known and famous fairy tales that revolves around the eternal theme of growing up, discovering of new sensations and accepting responsibilities. It is, at the same time, rounded up by a great deal of magic and symbolism. The young hero doesn't want to grow old, he doesn't even want to grow up. Instead he wants to fly, fight with Captain Hook and explore the Neverland. This clever and lively boy has been conquering children's imaginations and hearts all over the world for more than hundred years, since his character has been revived in many films, musicals, plays and books.
Rabbit’s House, foto Jaka Varmuž
Small Stage LGL
Length 35 min
Anja Štefan
Director: Martina Maurič Lazar
Puppet performance
Rabbit’s House is a story that reminds us how each of us can sometimes be in need and without a roof over his or her head and how nice and important it is to help each other whenever such unfortunate situations occur. In our story Frog, Squirrel, Badger and Bear unite their forces to help Little Rabbit who has lost his home.
Photo: Urška Boljkovac
Grand Stage LGL
Length 50 min
Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler
Director: Jaka Ivanc
Puppet performance
Room on the Broom is yet another hit, written by Scottish writer Julia Donaldson, who is an old acquaintance of Puppet Theatre, and her loyal collaborator - German illustrator -, Axel Scheffler. They are also the authors of the famous picture book The Gruffalo and its no less popular sequel The Gruffalo's Child.In their new adventure we will embark again on a journey to the world of animals, only this time the place of the almost dreadful Gruffalo will be taken by anything but an evil Witch, and, consequently by a far more dangerous and hungry Dragon.
Photo: Urška Boljkovac
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 50 min
Adaptation: Nika Bezeljak, Maša Radi Buh
Puppetry performance based on the book series by Ingvar Ambjørnsen
The puppet show Samson & Roberto: Baywatch is based on the adaptation of two books from the series Samson & Roberto by the Norwegian writer Ingvar Ambjørnsen, The Inheritance of Uncle Rin-Tin-Tei (Arven etter onkel Rin-Tin-Tei) and Fiery Friends (Krakilske kamerater), which are also on the list of recommended books for the Slovenian Reading Badge.
Photo Jaka Varmuž
Stage Under the Stars
Length 50 min
Miha Golob
Sand Pit  5+
Directed and designed by: Miha Golob
A creative playground
Four strangers enter a vast field of possibilities. They start building a fragile, shifting world, the grains of sand coming together to form a universe, time, creatures, landscapes, natural phenomena, moods and relationships, architecture and objects. These are made by designing, pouring, blowing, sweeping, treading, tracing, etching, drawing, funnelling, spilling, sowing, wiping, skipping, skidding, adding, removing, piling up, taking down, carrying away, bringing in ...
Grand Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Svetlana Makarovič
Director: Nace Simončič / Brane Vižintin
Puppetheque performance
The most famous Slovenian marionette is Sapramouse. Slovenian children could not even imagine growing up without the fairy tales, written by Svetlana Makarovič. Over the years there has been a myriad of puppet performances based on her literary material that have enchanted our young viewers. The clever and brave Sapramouse is considered the greatest Slovenian puppet hit ever. It’s best known staging was the one premiered back in 1986 in the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (and directed by Nace Simončič) that has remained uninterruptedly on the theatre’s repertoire until today. Sapramouse is a true testament of the fact that today's children can be attracted by far less spectacular creations from the ones including modern technology; only they have to be convincing both in terms of their texts and realization. The popular show that has lived to see a record number of replays (almost 1.700), has had travelled more than halfway around the world.
Scritch Scratch Scraww Plop!
Small Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Kitty Crowther
Director: Ivana Djilas
Puppet performance
Aimed at the very youngest viewers, Scritch Scratch Dip Clapote! is a tender fairy tale that weaves together strong emotions and rich imagination. A Frog named Jerko is afraid of going to sleep; what is that sound—scritch scratch scraww plop—that keeps coming from under his bed? Jerko's father tries to reassure him that there is nothing to be afraid of—until he himself goes to lie in the bed, only to be woken up in the night by the same mysterious sound.
Seal, Photo Jaka Varmuž
Grand Stage LGL
Length 55 min
Matija Solce
Seal  3+
Director and Composer: Matija Solce
Lapland Tales in Music and Paper
Every person, animal and thing has a soul. This understanding is possessed, for the most part, by those forgotten but still living peoples who, however inscrutable they seem to us, hold in their hands the threads of the collective unconscious of cultural memory. The Seal is a play based on the motifs of Lapp folktales and the ethnic heritage of this disappearing culture. They tell us and make us recognise that there are modes of communication other than language.
Foto Jaka Varmuž
Stage Under the Stars
Length 105 min
Simona Semenič
Director: Mare Bulc
An Adventure Detective Story
One evening, as Črt is going to bed, he spots a mysterious shadow and thinks it is a dragon. He is not wrong. On that same evening, the twins Kaj and Iza find a mysterious map, which they show to Vid, Črt's best friend. And just like that, the four 11-year-olds find themselves in the middle of a thrilling adventure.
Secret Society PGC, foto: Urška Boljkovac
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 80 min
Anton Ingolič, Nebojša Pop Tasić
Director: Marko Bulc - Mare
Dramatic performance
Secret Society PGC is a legendary text and children's classic story, written by Slovenian writer Anton Ingolič in 1958. He was one of the first post-war authors, who, inspired by the real life of young people in that period of time, addressed their topical issues through depicting their unusual adventures. Thus many generations of children used to grow up along with the very popular and famous Society of Pingoclavulus - or shortened PGC. This modern re-interpretation of the Secret Society PGC was staged in our theatre for the first time.
Session Bulgakov, foto Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 60 min
Matija Solce
Puppet-object brain-storming
Session Bulgakov is a reconstruction of the novel, set up on the dynamics of contrasts between burlesque and abstract images of object theatre, which remained on the ruins of the confusion, left behind by Satan and his accomplices. In its fragmentation and through the rhytmization of words, gestures and sounds it combines the associations on today’s obsessed world and the tragic side of everyman with his problems, fears and desires. A trio of actors, animators and musicians puts the spectators into the role of witnesses and eyewitnesses to specific events, leading them through some originally interpreted pictures of the novel at a dynamic pace.
Somewhere Else, photo: Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 45 min
Zala Dobovšek, Nina Šorak, Tin Grabnar, Asja Kahrimanović Babnik
Director: Tin Grabnar
Animated chalkboard tale
The performance tells us about a little girl, who finds herself caught in the middle of the war. It is through her eyes that we observe her changing city, filled with horrors, violence and fear. But, hope too. Threatening planes are flying over the city, the streets are empty and there is no food left on the shelves in the store. The school is closed. And every now and then gunshots are heard nearby. Her environment gradually changes …And becomes intolerable. The little girl’s only wish is to go to another country, where it would be much nicer. She wants to go somewhere else, somewhere far away from the war atrocities. »I woke up this morning, washed my teeth as usually, ate my breakfast and went to school. Everything was pretty much as usual. And only yesterday I played with my friends in the backyard as well. Everything is different now. I am not allowed to go to the backyard any more. It is too dangerous. And when the thunder is heard, I must run to the basement with my mother. I don’t see my friends any more either. And the school is over. They just closed it.«
Grand Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Jan Malík
A Puppetheque Performance
In 1936, Czech puppeteer Jan Malík created one of the most frequently performed puppet plays in the world. In 1951, the performance and its now cult marionettes were first presented to the audience in the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, under the direction of Jože Pengov, which changed the hitherto puppet art in terms of its content, as well as dramaturgical and technical approach. With her visual design Ajša Pengov set up a new criterion as in the marionettes proportions as well as in their characterisation. The then newest technical acquisition – the conveyor belt – introduced the so called “dramaturgy of travelling”.
Still Life
Stage Under the Stars
Length 60 min
Tin Grabnar, Tjaša Bertoncelj
Still Life  15+
Directed by: Tin Grabnar
Nine Attempts to Preserve Life
With its form and content, Tin Grabnar’s performance Still Life addresses the evasive question of the phenomenon of life. What is the inner force that we call life? What is life like? How to understand the phenomenon and way of existence and its opposite—death? And finally, what does it mean to take this life away? By exploring these questions, a sensible performance language takes shape—one that addresses fundamental questions of the existence of animals and at the same time strives to engender respect in the audience for all that we refer to as being alive.
Photo Mankica Kranjec
Stage Under the Stars
Length 75 min
Jaša Koceli, Júlia Sándor
Director: Jaša Koceli
Theatrical archaeology
We were raised to view the Amazon women as mythical warriors of ancient times, who can be at the same time strong, independent, deadly and desirable, as the supernatural society of mighty women woven from the thread of imagination. But what if they were real?
The Four Musicians
Grand Stage LGL
Length 50 min
Matija Solce
Director: Matija Solce
Puppet performance
This well known folk tale of the musicians of Bremen gave Matija Solce, an established puppet artist, foundation for a vivacious and friendly performance, which combines puppets and music. As they do in the fairy-tale, the four animals make a journey, and they surprise the town folk with their music.
The Gruffalo, foto: Urška Boljkovac
Grand Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Julia Donaldson - Milan Dekleva
Director: Jaka Ivanc
Puppet performance
The Mouse heads for the woods to find a hazelnut. There the predators lie in wait for him. But he knows exactly what to do. To turn them away, he makes up a story about a Gruffalo. Apparently the Gruffalo adores foxes, owl ice cream with juice and roasted snakes. And yes, his Gruffalo is so dreadful that the Mouse becomes the most important animal in the forest. But if he really wants to get his breakfast, he has to deal with the Gruffalo as well. He suddenly finds the Mouse yummy himself. No way, that won’t be so easy, pal! The Gruffalo was in fact a very special creature, invented by the Mouse to frighten the other animals. And now he suddenly appears in flesh! Will the Mouse be resourceful enough to beat him as well?
The Gruffalo's Child, foto: Miha Fras
Grand Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler
Director: Jaka Ivanc
Puppet performance
The Gruffalo’s Child is a sequel of The Gruffalo, which was premiered with great success at the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre in April 2013. Both picture books were written by the English playwright Julia Donaldson. The Gruffalo (1999) is a genuine international publishing phenomenon as it was translated into 50 languages and sold out in more than 4 million copies all over the world. Its sequel, The Gruffalo's Child, published back in 2004, is no less famous or known than its predecessor.
Photo by Mitja Vasič
Small Stage LGL
Length 45 min
Director: Brane Vižintin
Adaptation of Jože Pengov's 1967 marionette show
The Little Witch is only 127 years old... which is very young for her profession. She lives alone in her witch house in the middle of the woods, with Abraxas the raven as her companion. Every year on Bonfire Night, the older witches gather on Mount Klek and dance the night away. The Little Witch is too young to attend the dance, but decides to secretly join in the fun. Godmother Ropotavza exposes her, and because Little Witch has broken the rule, she has one year to prove that she can be a "good" witch.
Illustration by Eva Jera Hanžek
Length 40 min
Tajda Lipicer, Giulio Settimo
Director: Giulio Settimo
Puppetry performance
The Mountain is a puppet performance that delves into the mythical tale behind the creation of the city of Nova Gorica, or Gorizia and Nova Gorica, exploring it through the prism of life's cyclical nature and existence.
Photo Borut Bučinel
Tunnel LGL
Length 45 min
Ágota Kristóf
Director: Mia Skrbinac
Puppet performance
The story of twins who, in their struggle for physical and emotional survival, strengthen their bodies and minds as they become increasingly indifferent and apathetic, paints a poetic picture of love, war, identity and (collective) trauma.
Power, photo Urška Boljkovac
Vadbenica LGL
Length 60 min
The Power  15+
Authors, directors, actors: Jiří Zeman and Martina Maurič Lazar
A Puppet Miniature
In this performance the creators explore the field of an intimate puppet-object theatre. They found the materials that allow a double glimpse into the theme of power, the objects that enlarge or reduce, draw nearer or distance, hide or reveal the seen.
The Sky Above, photo Jaka Varmuž
Stage Under the Stars
Length 40 min
Tin Grabnar, Tjaša Bertoncelj, Tadeja Pungerčar
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, Mladinsko Theatre, University of Ljubljana, Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture
Directed and conceived: Tin Grabnar
Documentary theatre performance
With the performance, director Tin Grabnar and other members of the creative team aim to raise awareness about the causes and effects of climate change; about the interconnection between events and people’s behaviour across the globalised world; and about the power of the individual to change things for the better.
The Smartest Giant in Town
Grand Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Julia Donaldson, Axel Scheffler
Directed by: Jaka Ivanc
Puppet performance
Following the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's child, who had to face their fears in a forest full of predators, and the adventures of a not-at-all evil witch in ‘Room on the Broom’, the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre returns with ‘The Smartest Giant in Town’, a production based on another bestselling book by the acclaimed Scottish writer Julia Donaldson and the German illustrator Axel Scheffler. Directed by Jaka Ivanc and adapted for the stage by Jure Karas, with original music by Davor Herceg, this is a playful portrayal of the value of generosity and helping each other.
Illustration by Eva Jera Hanžek
Length 45 min
Frane Puntar
The Swing  3+
Visual design: Zlatko Bourek
Adaptation of Edi Majaron's 1978 marionette show
The 2025 programme will feature a performance from the Lutkoteka programme entitled The Swing which was created in the late 1970s. The performance, directed by legendary puppet director Edi Majaron, was based on the renowned text by Frane Puntar with artistic design by Croatian master Zlatko Bourek.
Photo: Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 45 min
Katarina Planinc
Authors of adaptation: Luna Pentek, Lucija Trobec
Puppetry performance
A performance about a girl who must leave her home and embark on a journey where she learns about the world and herself, based on the archetypal motif of the tenth same-sex child who is bound to leave the family home. The performance addresses the young spectators by using universal themes of loneliness and fear, but also hope, courage, and magic experienced by the girl who is out in the world on her own. As a self-reliant wanderer she faces the challenges of growing up and forming her identity.
The Visitor, photo Jaka Varmuž
Small Stage LGL
Length 40 min
Inspired by Antje Damm's children book
Director: Ivana Djilas
Puppet performance
An old draughtsman lives alone, never answering the door, never leaving his little home. His life has lost all its colour. Then one day, he makes a mug out of old paper. And then a teapot and some flowers... Using the objects around him, the draughtsman starts designing a magical world of imagination where he feels less lonely. His room comes alive with images of love and warmth, until he finally plucks up the courage to open the door and let the colour into his home.
Photo Mankica Kranjec
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 60 min
Lyman Frank Baum, Jera Ivanc
Directed by: Yulia Roschina
A musical fairy tale
The Wizard of Oz is the story of an unusual journey across the Land of Oz, where Dorothy, the protagonist, makes three new friends who join her in her quest to find the all-knowing, all-seeing and all-powerful Wizard of Oz.
Stage Under the Stars
Length 55 min
Jan Rozman, Julia Keren Turbahn
Production Emanat, co-production Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana, in cooperation with FELD Theater für junges Publikum
Dance performance
I never knew a thing could do so much. I never thought it was possible, but now I’m getting in touch? What can I do and can the sponge do it too? There are so many things that make me feel yellow and blue.
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 40 min
Hans Christian Andersen
Director: Maja Kunšič
Puppet performance
Everything starts with a seed. And a desire for something to grow. Given some care and attention, the seed soon sprouts up from the ground, and grows a flower to blossom. From the flower, a tiny creature comes into the world full of brash curiosity. A creature no bigger than a thumb.
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Small Stage LGL
Length 35 min
Nika Bezeljak
Peter Svetina
Theatre poetry
Timbuktu is where you get burnt and someone offers you a poultice before you say ouch!
Foto Urša Culiberg
Kulturnica LGL
Length 40 min
Tin House  6+
Director: Jana Nunčič
Puppet performance
The performance is anchored in Magnus Mills' story Three to See the King, serving as a starting point from where the creative team takes us on a journey through the emotional landscape of the explorer Gregor's heart.
/default/festival-lutke/Lutke 2024/image.jpg
Partizanska soba LGL
Length 40 min
Tin Grabnar
Maribor Puppet Theatre (Slovenia)
Dramaturgy: Ajda Rooss
Puppetry performance
Transport: Cargo shows the urgent problem of increasing road freight transport. The performance subtly raises moral and ethical questions about the value and responsibility of human beings in the context of insatiable hyper-consumerism.
Foto Miha Fras
Stage Under the Stars
Length 40 min
Tin Grabnar and Ajda Rooss
Director and concept author: Tin Grabnar
Hyper-realistic miniature
The performance Transport: Departure is part of the international Creative Europe Transport project, initiated by Slovenian director Tin Grabnar. In the 2024/2025 season, it connects six theatres from Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
Photo Mitja Vasič
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 50 min
Miha Golob
Tunnel  5+
Material theatre
Tunnel is an unusual production that seeks comfort in the dark and treats light like a delicious dessert. At first it seems that the light can be controlled, while the darkness—unknown, dangerous —cannot. However, in the performance, the situation is soon reversed – with a pinch of courage and a pinch of cooperation, we can safely enjoy the darkness as we dose it ourselves.
Turlututu, foto: Urška Boljkovac
Kulturnica LGL
Length 35 min
Hervé Tullet
Turlututu  2+
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana and Centre de Créations pour l'Enfance Tinqueux (FR)
Director: Matija Solce
Puppet performance
Turlututu! Where are you? Are you here? Here are you! It is you! You are Turlututu! Turlututu is nowhere to be found. He fell from the book and disappeared. But, how is he to be found, when he can be smaller than a flea or higher than a church tower? How is he to be looked for, if it takes him only an instant to change his colour, fly away to space or simply vanish by just uttering the right magic words? How? Quite easy, actually. Let's all be Turlututu! And, let's catch him!
Foto Peter Uhan
Grand Stage LGL
Length 50 min
Director and author of adaptation: Ivana Djilas
Drama performance based on the picture book by Bjørn Fredrik Rørvik and Alice Lima de Faria
There are only two knights left at the castle, after everyone else has gone to a jousting tournament. And it is their responsibility to find the missing princess and bring her home by evening, as ordered by the king. The king is king, so who are they to deny his wishes! On the other hand…Rosebush would much rather stay home and admire his new leopard print shoes and Bang is miserable because he is constantly falling, banging, and tripping over. The princess was very probably snatched by the dragon. They embark on a daring journey to the dragon’s den, where they find the princess—who doesn’t want to return home.
Photo by Peter Uhan
Grand Stage LGL
Length 55 min
The biosphere, the thin layer of life we call home, has never been so intensely and drastically threatened. Deforestation rates have soared as we exploit the land to feed more and more people. Global emissions are disrupting the climate system, new pathogens threaten crops and our health, illegal trade has eradicated entire plant populations, and non-native species are overtaking endemic flora. Biodiversity is being lost, locally and globally.
Illustration by Eva Jera Hanžek
Length 60 min
Vida Cerkvenik Bren
Dramaturge: Jurij Bobič
Street performance for three performers, a whale, a guitar, a broom and the audience
Great change is under way in the world of mythological and fairy creatures, especially those considered evil until only recently. Evil witches are now warm and funny, cruel giants friendly, while in the romantic notions of contemporary teenagers, blood-thirsty vampires have transformed into passionate lovers. Is this a reflection of the changes in modern society?
Who Made Videk's Shirt
Grand Stage LGL
Length 35 min
Fran Levstik – Eka Vogelnik
Director: Eka Vogelnik
Puppet performance
The story was written by Fran Levstik, and we know it just as well as his story about Martin Krpan. They are both quite old. But in the words of Hans Christian Andersen: Stories are like many people – they grow better with age.
Photo: Voranc Vogel
Small Stage LGL
Length 30 min
Author of the dramatisation, concept and director: Benjamin Zajc
Recycled puppetry performance based on the motives of A. A. Milne
The protagonist of the performance is Eeyore, a tailless donkey celebrating his birthday in his house. In a room full of objects that carry memories of one kind or another, the adventure of the main characters from a well-known story collection slowly begins to unfold. Pooh, Piglet and Tigger set off in search of the perfect present for their friend, who at first glance doesn't seem to like or want anything. And although, as Tigger says, "sometimes it's hard to love when you're missing what's necessary ", the gang put their heads together and, with imagination and compassion, transform Eeyore's sad refuge into a place of friendship and love.