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Predstava Tajno društvo PGC danes zaradi bolezni v ansamblu odpade

Duck, Death and the TulipShadow performance, length 40 min

Duck, Death and the Tulip, foto: Miha Fras
Duck, Death and the Tulip is a gentle, friendly and discreet staging, confronting children with death without any embellishment or pathos, but rather through a refined sense of delicacy of the selected topic. The narrative about illness, departing and lost comes to life on the stage as a warm and vital story about the preciousness of closeness and friendship. It is a suggestive fusion of live acting, animation and shadow theatre, visually attracting and astonishing children and at the same time unobtrusively caressing them and presenting them with a thought about the transience and vulnerability of life.

The multi-award winning shadow performance Duck, Death and the Tulip was directed by Italian director Fabrizio Montecchi, one of the greatest masters of shadow theatre who for many years explores this fabulous form of art in his world famous productions, staged in the Teatro Gioco Vita from Italy.

PREMIERE: 16th October 2014, Šenjakob Stage LGL
Author: Wolf Erlbruch
Director: Fabrizio Montecchi
Translator: Veronika Simoniti
Shadow puppets design: Federica Ferrari, based on illustrations by Wolf Erlbruch
Music: Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar
Author of the song: Jera Ivanc
Performers: Polonca Kores, Asja Kahrimanović / Martina Maurič Lazar
Set and light design: Fabrizio Montecchi
Proof reader: Irena Androjna Mencinger
Producer: Pija Bodlaj
Performance manager and sound technican: Alojz Sedovnik
Light technican: Danilo Korelec
Scene technican: Iztok Vrhovnik
Creation of shadow puppets, scene and costumes: Gregor Bajc, Sandra Birjukov, Iztok Bobić, Polona Černe, Brina Fekonja, Federica Ferrari, Jernej Remše s. p., Mitja Ritmanič, Zoran Srdić, Marjeta Valjavec, Ključavničarstvo Uroš Mehle s. p.