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Photo Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 45 min
Martin Mlakar
Directors: Martin Mlakar, Tajda Lipicer
Object theatre
The only thing still alive in the apartment on the second floor on 29c Kidrič Street are memories. Memories that have no appeal to official history but rather mark another, personal history. Memories of a childhood friend. Memories embittered by guilt. Memories imprinted in the space and the objects in it. The apartment thus becomes a contemplative space, where objects cease to be mere possessions but become artefacts, silent but eloquent testimonies of a life.
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 50 min
Karolína Kotrbová, Gašper Lovrec, Filip Mramor, Jernej Potočan, Domen Novak
Direction: Filip Mramor
Devised theatre
If history had revolved in a different direction by only a degree, the Czech engineer Karel Žlábek would have gone down in it as one of the greatest visionaries of his time. Not much is known about him, but he left behind him indelible dreams about a better future.
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Length 75 min
Based on Henrik Ibsen
Directors: Yngvild Aspeli, Paola Rizza
Festival première in co-production with Plexus Polaire (France, Norway)
Renowned Norwegian director Yngvild Aspeli, whose masterpiece Moby Dick mesmerised audiences at Cankarjev dom in November 2021, returns to the Puppet Festival and to Cankarjev dom with a performance based on A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen. The Slovenian première of the performance will feature Maja Kunšič, the leading actress of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre ensemble, in the role of Nora.
Jaka Babnik/SLG Celje
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 135 min
Živa Bizovičar, Nik Žnidaršič
Assault  15+
Slovensko ljudsko gledališče Celje
Director: Živa Bizovičar
Original project based on the life and work of Karel Destovnik - Kajuh
The poet, translator and national hero Karel Destovnik – Kajuh was born in Šoštanj and died at the Žlebnik homestead in Šentvid nad Zavodnjami. He was shot by a militiaman of Slovene nationality, France Černe, during a raid by German soldiers and militiamen. He was the only Slovenian cultural figure to be declared a national hero in July 1953.
Photo Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 75 min
Matija Solce
Darkroom  15+
Director, adaptation and author of music: Matija Solce
Object Theatre
Darkroom is an object-music cabaret based on Hans Christian Andersen's The Steadfast Tin Soldier, which is considered one of his most famous stories, but also the first one not based on a literary source or a folk tale. It thus marks the beginning of the author's original creative period. It was written almost 200 years ago and has been adapted numerous times, including for ballet performances and films.
Foto Nada Žgank
Šentjakobski oder LGL
Length 70 min
Nataša Živković
Coproduction: Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana in Mesto žensk
Concept and assistance: Tea Hvala, Teja Reba
Gledališki laboratorij
In 2021, the year of lockdowns, the high school students selected at the audition studied school as an institution. They were interested in the established school order and its effect on their growing up.
Foto Teatro Matita
Tunnel LGL
Length 50 min
Matija Solce and Daniil Harms
Nonsense theatrical puppet concert on prepared accordion
“An old woman fell out of the window because she was too curious. She fell and broke into pieces.”
Hiša Tartini
Length 60 min
Piran Self-Governing Community of Italian Nationals, Piran Coastal Galleries
Curator: Laura Rositani
Exhibition and Event
at Tartini House, Piran
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 45 min
William Shakespeare
Macbeth  15+
Director and visual designer: Matteo Spiazzi
A rusty performance
Following Hamlet (2006), Romeo & Juliet (2011), The Merchant of Venice (2015) and The Tempest (2016), this production is likewise a rendition of one of William Shakespeare’s most important texts in world drama that we are adding to our repertoire as a puppet production. Macbeth is aimed at audiences aged 15 and over.
Make Me a Coffin For Him, foto Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 30 min
Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana and Umetniško društvo Konj
Director: Jan Zakonjšek
Tragic Cheerful Puppet Performance
The play Make Me a Coffin for Him from 1993 represents an anthology of the nineties, since it features, as Barbara Orel wrote, "primal iconography, infernal content and demonic energy; it is, in a word—diabolical."
Photo by Jaka Varmuž
Kulturnica LGL
Length 75 min
Klemen Kovačič, Nik Žnidaršič
Messy Room  15+
In every house, there is a place without a special purpose. It is where we put away what we no longer need, but are not yet ready to admit that to ourselves. It is a space (be it a room, a drawer or just a box) where we leave memories that we don't trust to stay in our minds. They seem too fragile. Eternally elusive, but so important. Who are we without them? And who are we with them?
Photo Christophe Raynaud de Lage
Length 90 min
Herman Melville
Moby Dick  15+
Plexus Polaire (Francija)
Directed by: Yngvild Aspeli
Musical-puppetry spectacle
Moby Dick is a puppet-musical spectacle for young audiences by internationally acclaimed Norwegian director Yngvild Aspeli, inspired by the timeless 1851 classic by American writer Herman Melville. The thrilling story of the hunt for the great white whale is one of the greatest works of world literature. It is the story of a sailor waging war against a creature as large, dangerous and unknown as the sea itself. Who will win? Man or nature?
Open the Owl
Stage Under the Stars
Length 50 min
Franz Pocci, Célia Houdart
Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, TJP – Centre Dramatique National d’Alsace, Strasbourg (France)
Director: Renaud Herbin
Intermedia interpretation of The Castle of Owls (1936)
The performance Open the Owl brings back to stage the miniature characters from the performance Sovji grad (The Owl Castle), created by Slovenian puppeteer Milan Klemenčič back in 1936. (french subtitles)
Session Bulgakov, foto Jaka Varmuž
Tunnel LGL
Length 60 min
Matija Solce
Puppet-object brain-storming
Session Bulgakov is a reconstruction of the novel, set up on the dynamics of contrasts between burlesque and abstract images of object theatre, which remained on the ruins of the confusion, left behind by Satan and his accomplices. In its fragmentation and through the rhytmization of words, gestures and sounds it combines the associations on today’s obsessed world and the tragic side of everyman with his problems, fears and desires. A trio of actors, animators and musicians puts the spectators into the role of witnesses and eyewitnesses to specific events, leading them through some originally interpreted pictures of the novel at a dynamic pace.
Still Life
Stage Under the Stars
Length 60 min
Tin Grabnar, Tjaša Bertoncelj
Still Life  15+
Directed by: Tin Grabnar
Nine Attempts to Preserve Life
With its form and content, Tin Grabnar’s performance Still Life addresses the evasive question of the phenomenon of life. What is the inner force that we call life? What is life like? How to understand the phenomenon and way of existence and its opposite—death? And finally, what does it mean to take this life away? By exploring these questions, a sensible performance language takes shape—one that addresses fundamental questions of the existence of animals and at the same time strives to engender respect in the audience for all that we refer to as being alive.
Photo Borut Bučinel
Tunnel LGL
Length 45 min
Ágota Kristóf
Director: Mia Skrbinac
Puppet performance
The story of twins who, in their struggle for physical and emotional survival, strengthen their bodies and minds as they become increasingly indifferent and apathetic, paints a poetic picture of love, war, identity and (collective) trauma.
Power, photo Urška Boljkovac
Vadbenica LGL
Length 60 min
The Power  15+
Authors, directors, actors: Jiří Zeman and Martina Maurič Lazar
A Puppet Miniature
In this performance the creators explore the field of an intimate puppet-object theatre. They found the materials that allow a double glimpse into the theme of power, the objects that enlarge or reduce, draw nearer or distance, hide or reveal the seen.
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Partizanska soba LGL
Length 40 min
Tin Grabnar
Maribor Puppet Theatre (Slovenia)
Dramaturgy: Ajda Rooss
Puppetry performance
Transport: Cargo shows the urgent problem of increasing road freight transport. The performance subtly raises moral and ethical questions about the value and responsibility of human beings in the context of insatiable hyper-consumerism.
Foto Miha Fras
Stage Under the Stars
Length 40 min
Tin Grabnar and Ajda Rooss
Director and concept author: Tin Grabnar
Hyper-realistic miniature
The performance Transport: Departure is part of the international Creative Europe Transport project, initiated by Slovenian director Tin Grabnar. In the 2024/2025 season, it connects six theatres from Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
Photo by Peter Uhan
Grand Stage LGL
Length 55 min
The biosphere, the thin layer of life we call home, has never been so intensely and drastically threatened. Deforestation rates have soared as we exploit the land to feed more and more people. Global emissions are disrupting the climate system, new pathogens threaten crops and our health, illegal trade has eradicated entire plant populations, and non-native species are overtaking endemic flora. Biodiversity is being lost, locally and globally.